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Seven Questions for Kevin Goolsby

Seven Questions for Kevin Goolsby

Posted by broncolor on Mar 2nd 2022

  • 1. Tell us about yourself.

  • I’m Kevin Goolsby and I am a photographer in Atlanta, GA and I have been shooting for 19 years as a professional. I went to Savannah College of Art and Design. 

  • 2. How did you discover your love for photography?

    I discovered my love of photography when I was a graphic designer and saw that I could incorporate my graphic style into the photography and create one-of-a-kind artwork with a message. I worked on a few magazines and decided to go full-time photographer when I realized there are no limits to the images with my imagination.

  • 3. What inspires you and your work?

    Creating inspirational imagery with my imagination is what inspires my work the most. I love showing people a perspective on light, color and form they've probably never seen or even thought of before.

  • 4. Why did you choose broncolor?

  • I've been through a lot of lighting products. Once I used broncolor, I saw the way the products were built and that they gave me such great light balance with their technology. It was a no-brainer.

  • 5. What is your favorite broncolor tool?

    The Para 133HR matched with a Siros head it is my go-to setup. 

  • 6. How would you describe your “lighting style”?

    My lighting style would be considered theatrical and very dramatic (depending on the project).

    I love color and shocking the eye with some crazy lighting or indoor face images that would be hard to ignore. I am always trying new styles, whether it be for portraits or large layouts within a scene.

  • 7.
    Where can people find more of your work?

  • You can find my work at and floating around the commercial world every once in awhile.